Long ago their was a little tribe in the center of Wiscosin by the green lake btu are originally for up stat new york. they are also apart of the iroquois comfederacy with the onindaga, mohawk, tuscarora, cayuga, and, senica. another fact is the oneida tribe reffers to themselves as the oneyoteaka meaning "the people of the standing stone." they got that name for a bolder that stood near the main part of their village in new york.
in the 1800's the whites of nother new york forced them to seel parts of their land,as years went on the oneida's land began to srink. then in 1839 the oneida tribe retraced the parts of their country and got most of it back.now ont to the traditional animals of the oneida, the wolf, the turtle, and the bear.here is apictrue of the head dressing.another oral tradition is when the elders of the tribe teach the young one to hind when in danger. they tell them to hind in the trees becauses they will never exspct it.
The oneida tribe often eat animalss that are around them, like the dears, or mamoths. when the grow crps they usually grow squash, crops ,and beans which have many sorces of calcium, sodium or patassium,etc.and what they use to protect their plants are the three spirits of "The Three Sisters."also when they plant teir garden they use tools like what we call rakes but the made them out of astrong stink and branches and leaves.
The houese the oneidas' lived in were called longhouses made of a 24ft log that held up to two families. when the cook or burn a fire in the longhouse, it usually has a hole inthe top to let out the air. the reason they had longhouses is because they have a huge to take care ofso they have to have that house.long house are big as i said and are built into the ground, why? because if the is a bad storm it willstand firm.
the oneida tribe made their first treaty in 1794, along with the haudenosaunee nations. In 1687 the oneida's were in a warrent of the kingof great britain to govenor dorgen of new york.